Wednesday, 30 May 2012

MANASE: The Best Erections In Botswana

So uhm..yeah..THE BEST ERECTIONS IN BOTSWANA. I think everyone whose been in and around Gaborone will agree to have seen this phrase on cars, walls, signs e.t.c. Well this is a citizen owned company that has been in business since 1998. Yes I checked their website. Manase is a well renouned fencing company. And they they have the best erections in the country!

The first time i saw this slogan was sometime last year. The combi had approached a traffic jam and i notices this car beside us. the first thing i noticed about it was the guy being electrified. i thought, alright this is some kind of electri fence company...Booooring! Then BAM i see the slogan. After that Manase was no longer just some fencing company. It was THE fencing company.

All i can say about Manase is that "I like you guys. YOU'VE ALSO GOT BALLS!"

1 comment:

  1. Here is another site called SoundProofingAmerica and it has a page for soundproofing a room appropriately titled Soundproofing Your Teenager's Bedroom so maybe this will work in reverse for you.vinyl picket fence
